25 Years for Craig Wright

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25 Years for Craig Wright

Craig Wright celebrates 25 years with the company. 

Last week marked a huge milestone in Impulse history as our illustrious leader Craig Wright celebrates 25 years with the company. 
Craig joined Impulse in 1997, one of the first employees and the first full time member of the Technical Sales Team. 
As the company grew Craig progressed to a management role in 2001, and in 2008 joined the board as Operations Director. 
Fast forward several years and Craig took on the role of MD in 2012, shortly after overseeing a successful management buyout and a subsequent period of rapid growth.
Over the past 25 years we've had countless laughs, amazing staff trips, three new homes (let’s hope we don’t have to move again soon), we've weathered a pandemic and Impulse has grown to become a modern, vibrant business with a brilliant group of people at its core. 
The Impulse of 2022 wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Craig Wright, so today we'll celebrate those 25 years and raise a glass together.

Well done Craig, and thank you!
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+44(0)1782 337 800
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