Bridge edge devices to the SCADA system with Moxa’s MX-AOPC UA Suite

Combining the MX-AOPC UA Server, Viewer, and Logger, the MX-AOPC UA Suite provides a centralised, intuitive, secure and reliable framework to allow you to bridge edge devices to the SCADA system.
With the MX-AOPC UA Suite, solid risk prevention and maintenance response is far more achievable due to alarms, real-time updates and historical data logging, giving you a complete, real-time visual monitoring system for your Moxa and third party field devices.

Reduce network overheads with the latest push technology

In traditional monitoring systems data is obtained using a pull function, meaning status updates are polled on a continuous interval loop. Not only is this system inefficient, with unnecessary network overhead, but depending on the length of time between polls it can also create vulnerabilities caused by alarms not being raised immediately.

The MX-AOPC UA Suite offers both pull and push technology, giving you the option of either form of status acquisition depending on your requirements. With push technology, I/O status is relayed only when there is a change, a manual status update is requested, or a predefined interval has been reached. This drastically reduces network overheads and gives a virtually instant alarm should there be a change in I/O status, allowing for more timely response to outages and issues.

Cut human resource requirements with efficient database uploads

With many remote data acquisition systems, human intervention is required at some stage to manually import data from field devices into a central database. Human error is of course a consideration in this process, but even with automated systems where RTUs collect data remotely over a network, there has to be some form of software developed or purchased to convert this data and import it into the central database automatically.

With Moxa’s MX-AOPC UA Suite this is all taken care of. The MX-AOPC UA Logger interacts directly with the MX-AOPC UA Server, and acts as a bridge between the data collected from field devices and stored databases or spreadsheets. Further to this, the data can then be automatically converted and uploaded to the central database automatically, and tags can be collated by the MX-AOPC UA Logger from RTUs or remote I/O devices and imported into the same database without any human interaction.
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+44(0)1782 337 800
MediaSolutionsBridge edge devices to the SCADA system with Moxa’...