Industrial PC? Keep It Simple

Author: Robert Plant
Industrial PC? Keep It Simple
Industrial Computers tend to have one job; they need to do it well and do it reliably. When a client asks us for a cost-effective, powerful, and scalable solution but still maintains all the industrial principles that make it reliable and robust, we often design a system in the Mini-ITX form factor.
The Mini-ITX is an alternative to larger ATX and microATX motherboards, providing an especially compact solution for space-constrained systems.

Over the past seven years, we’ve supplied hundreds of these deceptively simple little workhorses to a client in the semiconductor industry. It’s powerful and reliable, small enough to integrate into our client’s machine, and the mainboard in the current iteration is in supply until at least 2036 (thanks Intel) …that’s pretty neat considering this unit’s cost-effective.
If you’re an OEM in need of a reliable Industrial Computer that won’t break the bank, why not keep it simple and give us a call.
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