Bespoke rack-mount PC with vibration and shock protection for in-vehicle control application

Our customer in the transportation industry needed a high performance rack mount PC for an in-vehicle control application.

As the system would be deployed in rugged environments, the customer required shock and vibration protection, and because rack mount PCs are generally designed to be installed in fixed and stable environments, Impulse had to create a bespoke system suitable for the application.

Full visibility

Before the field installation, we provided a fully documented build specification detailing all the shock and vibration mounts along with how these would be implemented during production to give full visibility of the steps taken to isolate and secure the system.

Working with our manufacturing partners, the best solution to fit the customer's computing and display requirements was to combine an Advantech Industrial rack computer with a Winmate 19" rack mount display. As the rack PC was to be driven around rugged terrain, it needed extra shock and vibration protection not available directly from Advantech, so we worked to develop the mounting specification with our customer to ensure piece of mind.

Built to order

Through our in-house build to order service (BTOS), all internal components and connectors were dampened and secured for protection against shock and vibration to prevent anything coming loose and to safeguard against component damage.

We also included neutral cure white silicone to secure internal connectors, adhesive backed closed cell foam and thread lock to secure components and stop unwanted movement, locking connectors and retaining clips to prevent disconnections and MIL-STD spec. shock and vibration mounts for the rack PC to be secured inside the cabinet. This meant our customer could mount the rack mount PC and display without having the extra expense of dampening the whole 19" rack enclosure.

Get in touch
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+44(0)1782 337 800
MediaCase studiesBespoke rack-mount PC with vibration and shock pro...